Significant Others Drive Us Crazy

Remember when you first met your significant other? How just looking at them made the butterflies in your stomach flutter? How everything at the beginning was pure bliss and every moment with them was surreal?
Ok, maybe I’m just exaggerating. Maybe that’s not how it was for you. Or maybe it was! No matter how it all went down in the beginning, one thing is true. It was all adorably cute and sweet. And then… reality.
Reality Isn’t So Bad
Not to be the bearer of bad news, or the one to destroy how insanely wonderful relationships are in the beginning. Because it all is! I remember when I first met my significant other. We met on an online “game” where chatting for hours that first meeting started a chain reaction to where we are engaged today.
I promise I’ll explain more about my unconventional relationship some day. And knowing that I’m happily engaged today proves that I won’t go into a rant about how my significant other doesn’t make my butterflies flutter anymore. Truth is, relationships evolve.
Relationship Magic Changes
They don’t always stay in the magic of the beginning. That place where you want to be near them every minute. That place where your heart beats uncontrollably and your nerves run wild when you know you’re about to see them.
Don’t get me wrong though! You can definitely find yourself having moments like from the beginning throughout the course of your relationship. What’s different is that sense of innocence. In the beginning, your significant other can’t do wrong. They are your perfection. And as much as that holds true no matter how long you have been with them, they will eventually… drive… you… crazy; in a beautiful way of course!
Crazy Can Be Amusing
Now, let’s be real. When you’ve been in a relationship for years (over four years myself), you and your significant other know each other well. Both of you know how to make each other laugh; and how to support each other during trying times. And the biggest one of all, you both know how to push each other’s buttons.
But, I won’t focus on the negative concept of pushing each other’s buttons. What I will focus on is how our significant others drive us crazy almost to the point of amusement. Take for instance, I like to designate time just for myself right before I go to sleep. I like to lay in bed, watch something on Netflix, and drift away to my own dream world. To ensure peace and quite, I specifically let my significant other know that this is my time. I don’t want to be bothered, I just want to relax and sleep. I would love to say that it all sounds easy enough. Yet, imagine trying to do that with your partner opening the door nearly every 5 to 10 minutes just to ask a question. Crazy.
Or, imagine wanting to dive into a new book you just bought. You’ve been waiting for months for the release, and when you finally have the book, you find a quiet place in your home, curl up, and start reading. Your significant other comes in, strikes up a quick conversation, and to your relief, exits the room so you can continue this fascinating new book. But, in walks your partner again chatting away. You try to continue reading, blocking out the noise, but nope that’s not working. You find yourself staring at the same page, the same words, while you’re not really paying attention to your partner because all you can think about is how annoyed you are and how much you want to just read. Does it sound like I know first-hand what this is like? Crazy.
Love is Love, with a Touch of Crazy
I sit here admitting that my significant other drives me crazy. It’s a known fact. And he knows it. But what I can also admit is that I love him for it. His impeccable timing to interrupt “my time” is quite amusing. No matter how annoyed I can get, or how crazy I might feel when my buttons are being pushed, I know that I love him and that he loves me. And I can be wholeheartedly entertained by his natural efforts to seek my attention.
So here is some advice… when you love someone, you love them for who they are, and for the crazy they bring into your life. Significant others drive us crazy. And that’s good! Because there is something you can do with all the love you have for them… drive them crazy too.