Why I decided to start a blog…
Have you ever felt trapped in your job? Like no matter what happened in life, no matter how much you tried for something better, you were still there? In a job that yes, paid the bills and provided some type of financial security, but a job that just didn’t make you happy?
I bet your answer might be a yes. Maybe not your current job, but one you once had. Well, I’ve felt that way too (more than once). And boy is it a terrible feeling. But I get it! It’s like we’re made to find security in a job and just somehow lose our dreams slowly over time while maintaining that one job.
There are so many reasons why I decided to start this blog, but the biggest reason is this… I had enough. I had enough of being stuck in my own day-to-day. I had enough of being fearful of trying something new. I had enough of doubting everything I’m capable of and constantly giving up on myself.
But don’t get me wrong! I’m still in the “9 to 5” life. But I don’t feel trapped anymore. Not even stuck! It was like an epiphany happened and I finally realized enough is enough. And I bet you’re wondering how can that be if I’m still working the “9 to 5” life. This is the best way I can explain it… For once I finally realize that I have options. I finally see that there is a new path in front of me that I can embrace and work really hard for, but on my terms. I get to decide what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. And I also know that my success is based on how I invest in myself; the time and effort I put into what I want to do full-time. I have a chance to follow my passion and build a career that I have dreamed of for many, many years, thus removing myself from the “9 to 5” life. And that is very exciting.
So here I am! Trying something new. Something scary. Something that I’m still learning and growing with. And I’m ok with that. A whole new adventure is opening up for me and I’m ready to take it on. I’m ready to make a difference and speak my truth.
Now here’s a toast! It’s only just begun… 🙂